Best Free Firewall software for Windows 11/10

If you are looking for a way to protect your Windows 11/10 PC from malicious attacks, you might want to consider installing a firewall software. A firewall is a program that monitors and controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic on your computer. It can block unauthorized access, prevent malware infections, and alert you of suspicious activities.

There are many firewall software available in the market, but not all of them are free or reliable. Some may have hidden costs, annoying ads, or limited features. To help you choose the best free firewall software for your Windows 11/10 PC, we have compiled a list of 8 options that you can try. These are:-

Comodo Firewall

Comodo Firewall is one of the most popular and trusted free firewall software for Windows. It offers a high level of security and protection against various types of attacks, such as port scans, DDoS, spoofing, and more. It also has a sandbox feature that allows you to run unknown or suspicious programs in a isolated environment without affecting your system. Comodo Firewall also has a game mode that optimizes your performance and prevents interruptions while gaming.


  • Easy to use and configure
  • Provides advanced security features
  • Supports sandboxing and game mode
  • Compatible with Windows 11/10


  • May cause some compatibility issues with other programs
  • May display ads and pop-ups


TinyWall is a lightweight and minimalist free firewall software for Windows. It does not have a user interface or a system tray icon. Instead, it integrates with the Windows Defender Firewall and enhances its functionality. TinyWall allows you to whitelist or block applications from accessing the internet using hotkeys or right-click menus. It also has a stealth mode that makes your PC invisible to network scanners. TinyWall does not interfere with your network performance or consume much system resources.


  • Simple and unobtrusive
  • Does not require user input or configuration
  • Supports whitelisting and stealth mode
  • Does not affect network speed or system performance


  • Lacks advanced features and customization options
  • May not be suitable for novice users


GlassWire is a free firewall software for Windows that also doubles as a network monitor. It displays a graphical representation of your network activity and alerts you of any unusual or suspicious events. You can easily see which applications are using your bandwidth, how much data they are consuming, and where they are connecting to. You can also block or allow any application from accessing the internet with a single click. GlassWire also has a firewall history feature that lets you review past network activity and detect any changes.


  • Visually appealing and user-friendly
  • Provides detailed network information and alerts
  • Supports blocking and allowing applications
  • Keeps track of firewall history


  • May use more system resources than other firewalls
  • Free version has limited features compared to the paid version

ZoneAlarm Free Firewall

ZoneAlarm Free Firewall is another well-known and reliable free firewall software for Windows. It provides two-way firewall protection that blocks both inbound and outbound threats. It also has an anti-phishing feature that protects you from malicious websites and emails. ZoneAlarm Free Firewall also has an identity protection feature that encrypts your personal data and prevents identity theft. ZoneAlarm Free Firewall also has a do-not-track feature that prevents online trackers from collecting your browsing data.


  • Offers two-way firewall protection
  • Supports anti-phishing and identity protection
  • Prevents online tracking
  • Compatible with Windows 11/10


  • May slow down your system or internet speed
  • May conflict with other security software


PeerBlock is a free firewall software for Windows that blocks unwanted connections from certain IP addresses or ranges. It allows you to create custom lists of IP addresses that you want to block or allow, such as spyware, adware, government agencies, hackers, etc. PeerBlock also updates these lists automatically from various sources on the internet. PeerBlock is especially useful for torrent users who want to avoid being tracked or monitored by copyright holders or law enforcement.


  • Blocks unwanted connections from specific IP addresses
  • Allows you to create custom lists of IP addresses
  • Updates lists automatically from online sources
  • Useful for torrent users


  • May block legitimate connections or websites
  • May not be effective against advanced threats


A1RunGuard is a software that helps you monitor and optimize your running performance. It tracks your speed, distance, calories burned, heart rate, and other metrics. It also provides you with personalized feedback and coaching tips based on your goals and progress.


  • It is easy to use and compatible with most smartphones and smartwatches.
  • It has a user-friendly interface and a variety of features to suit different needs and preferences.
  • It helps you improve your running efficiency and prevent injuries by analyzing your running form and posture.
  • It motivates you to stay on track and challenge yourself by setting goals and rewards.


  • It requires a stable internet connection and GPS signal to function properly.
  • It may drain your battery faster than usual due to the constant data transmission and processing.
  • It may not be accurate or reliable in some situations, such as bad weather, crowded areas, or uneven terrain.
  • It may not suit everyone’s style or taste, as some people may prefer a more minimalist or customizable app.

Windows Defender Firewall

Windows Defender Firewall is a built-in security feature that protects your computer from unauthorized network access. It can block or allow incoming and outgoing traffic based on rules that you set. Here are some pros and cons of using Windows Defender Firewall:


  • It is free and easy to use. You don’t need to install any additional software or pay for a subscription.
  • It is integrated with Windows Security Center, which monitors your system’s health and alerts you of any issues.
  • It supports both inbound and outbound filtering, which gives you more control over your network activity.
  • It works well with other Windows features, such as Windows Update, Windows Defender Antivirus, and Windows Hello.


  • It may not be enough to protect you from advanced threats, such as ransomware, phishing, or zero-day attacks. You may need a third-party firewall or antivirus software for extra protection.
  • It may not be compatible with some applications or devices that require specific network settings. You may need to manually configure the firewall rules or disable them temporarily to allow them to work.
  • It may not be suitable for complex network environments, such as businesses or organizations that have multiple devices and users. You may need a more robust firewall solution that can manage and monitor your network centrally.


Portmaster is another powerful application firewall that offers a range of features to enhance privacy and provide control over network activity. With Portmaster, users can monitor all network connections, block trackers and malware automatically, and secure DNS requests for a seamless browsing experience. One of the notable advantages of Portmaster is its user-friendly interface, making it accessible to both tech-savvy individuals and those with limited technical expertise. Additionally, the ability to create custom rules and settings allows users to tailor the firewall to their specific needs. However, it’s worth noting that as of now, Portmaster is primarily available for desktop operating systems, and mobile support may be limited. Nevertheless, for those seeking to regain control over their online privacy, Portmaster is a reliable and feature-rich option to consider.


  • Portmaster empowers users to regain control over their online privacy by monitoring network activity, blocking trackers and malware, and securing DNS requests.
  • With its intuitive interface, Portmaster makes it easy for both tech-savvy individuals and less experienced users to manage and configure their firewall settings.
  • Users can create their own rules and settings, allowing them to fine-tune the firewall’s behavior to meet their specific privacy needs.
  • Portmaster automatically blocks trackers and malware, providing an added layer of security without requiring manual intervention.
  • The firewall seamlessly integrates with default or configured DNS-over-TLS (DoT) or DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) resolvers, ensuring secure and private DNS queries.


  • Currently, Portmaster is primarily available for desktop operating systems, which may limit its use for mobile device users.
  • While the basic features are user-friendly, configuring advanced settings or creating complex rules may require some technical expertise.
  • Depending on the system and configuration, running a firewall like Portmaster may introduce a slight performance overhead due to the interception and analysis of network packets.


In conclusion, if you are looking to protect your Windows 11/10 PC from malicious attacks and maintain control over your network activity, installing a firewall software is highly recommended. There are several free options available, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Comodo Firewall offers advanced security features, sandboxing, and game mode, making it a popular choice for Windows users. TinyWall integrates with Windows Defender Firewall and provides simplicity and low resource consumption. GlassWire combines firewall functionality with network monitoring, offering visual insights and detailed alerts. ZoneAlarm Free Firewall provides two-way protection, anti-phishing, and identity protection features. PeerBlock is suitable for users who want to block specific IP addresses and avoid tracking in torrent environments. A1RunGuard is a specialized software for monitoring and optimizing running performance.

Lastly, Portmaster is a user-friendly firewall software that excels in enhancing privacy, with features such as network monitoring, automatic blocking of trackers and malware, and secure DNS requests. However, it has limited mobile support and may require some technical expertise for advanced configuration.

Consider your specific needs and technical proficiency when choosing a firewall software for your Windows PC. Remember that firewall software plays a crucial role in securing your system and protecting your privacy, so it’s important to select one that meets your requirements effectively.

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